Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Canto for the Moon and Stars

My apologies to Clarissa Pinkola Estes, whose splendid book, "Women Who Run With the Wolves", inspired every word of the poem below.

I am searching for the ancestral burial ground.
I am looking for my scattered bones.
By lantern light and candlelight, by moonlight and starlight,
I wander the bosky hills and chambered fields,
Searching always for the bones, the bones.
I wander here, there and everywhere,
Unearthing the bones from forgotten and far flung places,
Listening always for their haunting voices in the depths of night.
The bones lift their voices to the hills,
They sing of treed and rocky places,
They sing of the ever turning seasons.
They sing of a wisdom both wild and rooted,
Of community and a fierce compassion which knows no bounds.
They sing of ancient sisters, of sisters in the now
And of sisters still to come,
All sisters joined and traveling on together.
They sing of a circular journey taken hand in hand,
Of a journey which has no beginning and knows no end.
Oh, listen to the bones!

1 comment:

daringtowrite said...

I'm treating myself tonight to a long slow walk through your words, way back to when you began to write here. I may stop along the way to comment here and there, but in case I don't, in case I find myself too immersed in the reading to compose a comment of my own, I just want you to know that I've been here.