intelligent, intense, intoxicating, invincible, inviolate, irresistible, journeying, joyful, joyous, juicy, knowing, lavish, leafy, lean, lithe, lofty, loving, loyal, luminous, lunar, lunatic, luscious, lush, lustrous, luxuriant, madcap, majestic, magical, magnificent, majestic, matchless, merciful, mercurial, mesmerizing, mighty, mindful, muscular, mysterious, noble, odd, opulent, outrageous, outstanding, passionate, peaceful, perfect, piquant, pixilated, playful, pleasing, political, potent, powerful, precious, profound, provocative, rambling, racy, radiant, radical, rapturous, rare, raunchy, ravishing, rebellious, reckless, regal, remarkable, respectful resolute, resplendent, responsive, revered, rhapsodic, risqué, robust, riotous, rowdy, sagacious, savage, scarred, scrappy, scrumptious, sensuous, shining, silky, soft-hearted, sovereign, spectacular, spellbinding, spicy, spirited, splendid, spontaneous, startling, statuesque, stout-hearted, strange, striking, strong, stunning, sublime, succulent, suggestive, sultry, sumptuous, superb, sweet-tempered, sympathetic, temperate, tender, thoughtful, thrilling, timeless, tough, transcendent, tumultuous, turbulent, unbridled, unconventional, understanding, unfettered, unrestrained, unruly, untamed, uproarious, verdant, vibrant, vital, vivid, voluptuous, wandering, wanton, watchful, wild, willful, willowy, witty, wolfish, wondrous, yummy.
1 comment:
I like all l words and v words. I myself would like to be more zestful. It's a thoughtful entry.
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