Summerland, Michael Chabon
The Litany of the Great River, Meinrad Craighead
The Medicine Wheel Garden, E. Barrie Kavasch
Earth Wisdom, Glennie Kindred
Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver
The Snow Leopard, Peter Matthiesen
Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss
Tree Wisdom: The Definitive Guidebook, Jacqueline Memory Patterson
Stones of Silence, George B. Schaller
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar, Margaret Starbird
The Buddha Book, Lillian Too
Wheel of the Infinite, Martha Wells
In Praise of Tara: Songs to the Saviouress, Martin Wilson
The Parrot Trainer, Swain Wolfe
Sunday's book page was deferred until today thanks to the full moon that day, my long potterings in the woods over the weekend and Valentine's Day (yesterday), but this blog entry has been waiting patiently here for me to complete and post it, clearing its throat gently now and again to let me know that it (erm) was ready to go to work.
There are a few books on trees and gardening on the library table this week, and there will be more in weeks to come, for in spite of the weather, I am sliding slowly and happily into gardening mode (hallelujah). Since there are still many weeks of snow and winter weather to get through up here in the north, my optimism is (without a doubt) both premature and unwarranted, but hey, one has to begin somewhere . . . .
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