Cassie and I rambled about together for a few hours, and neither of us said very much, but we stayed very close together - she is not feeling well at present, and her mother (me) is in a very anxious state, focused on the ultrasound and biopsy which she (Cassie) is to undergo on Tuesday morning. My magnificent German Shorthair Pointer is the finest of companions, and I cannot imagine woodland rambles without her by my side.
Oh, I hope Cassie will be well. She sounds like a marvellous companion.
I will pray in the "Church of the Dog" for you and for Cassie.
Kaya McLaren, writer, author, teacher, captures the essence of our canine companions in her lovely book and it is one of the places I go for comfort.
Julie in Virginia
I hope, as well, that Cassie will rebound, and have many more rambles with you.
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