A dank, grey and rainy day in this part of the world, but one with valuable lessons to be assimilated. There is a sun up there somewhere in the grey, and there is warmth being directed downward, but this morning's clouds conceal that august presence and its gifts.
The old ash tree in my garden needs sunlight and warmth as much as I do, but she also needs rain if she is to leaf out and dance in her chosen place this year. I remember last summer's abundance of jade leaves and their tangy fragrance, how the waving branches beckoned in early morning, and the cool green shadows seemed to be flowing across the garden at twilight — I remember the birds who graced every branch and sang gloriously as sun was coming up — I remember the merlin who perched in the top of the tree almost every morning and stayed for hours, and the little brown bats who went whirling through it after dark.
Ancient lore says that Yggadrasil (the World Tree) is a giant ash tree spanning the nine worlds of the cosmos, and that makes perfect sense to me.
What beauty portrayed in the character shown on this tree
Endment, I love the old ash tree - when we looked at the little blue house many years ago before buying it, it was the ash tree which captured my attention immediately - I would have lived in a tent here for the privilege of knowing the ash tree.
Beautiful photos, made more beautiful,by your words.
The ash tree is you, your wisdom, your knowlege, your strength... May it always watch over you!
Your dear friend Louise
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