When I started rambling the Two Hundred Acre Wood some long time ago, camera in hand, I knew perfectly well that most of the moments I was trying to capture on a memory card would not adhere to ordinary rules about what constituted a good photograph, but I had a deep need to gather up these wild times and places, and my thoughts as I walked these wooded trails and observed the turning of the seasons in my native place.
Somewhere up the trail of time, I will think about this quiet Easter weekend and remember how contented I was as I stood here yesterday. If the fates are kind, perhaps I shall also recall the hunting cries of the Red-Tailed Hawk circling overhead, the resounding echoes of the Pileated Woodpecker hammering on the old butternut tree up the hill, the sharp clear song of the Osprey over the river. I will recall how dappled the floor of the forest was and what a splendid spicy fragrance wafted up as I walked these woods. On this fine sunny morning, I feel as rich as old Croesus, but this gold is not for hoarding, and it is not to be spent foolishly.
What a delightful wander through the woods. We wandered through a huge woodland park yesterday and found it a refreshing delight. Came home and took more photos here and decided we were grateful to be here. I treasure vignettes such as your reflections - those wonderful moments caught as reminders.
and thank you for sharing this gold with us. Lovely
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