The window of the East Wind shop in the village with its exquisite porcelain Kuan Yin, antique kimonos, chopsticks and rice bowls, books, cards, calligraphy, bamboo paint brushes . . . . and one elderly reflected photographer.
Here it is together, one of my favourite village shops, Richmond Road, parked cars, sunshine, glare off the window and me - definitely NOT a good picture, but a beautiful morning and a certain amount of puckish amusement was derived from downloading this photo and finding myself there in the window too. Is this a pastiche, perhaps a collage of sorts or just a hodgepodge? Must a collage alway involve glue, or can it be something like this? Very well, it is just a hodgepodge.
Inside the shop, I hovered for an hour over displays of handpainted earthenware bowls, teapots, kimonos, signature chops and packages of Oriental paper, bright as confetti and brilliantly hued as a summer garden. Now my mind is turning toward projects which could be undertaken with that lovely rustling tissue paper, origami, collage, cards, bookmarks and many other things.
Alas, there will be no sunshine here today. It is raining, a dense soaking torrential rainfall which clatters on the roof and hurls itself against the windows in the kitchen. I shall retire (for now) to a comfortable chair with a large mug of green tea and watch the rain come down, a Zen activity of sorts. Later, clad in wellies and poncho and carrying a large umbrella, I shall take a long walk, rain or no rain.
Well, a good afternoon, now evening to you Cate. I was ecstatic to see your latest picture, you of course. It looks like retirement has made you very happy in what you love to do. I have been admiring your website on a daily basis. Best of luck, Louise
Beautiful shop window, especially the sumptuous red kimono. But I am not sure of your self-reference as "elderly" at 56 - the same age I will be in a week. A friend's mother died a few days ago at 102, she would have laughed at the idea of 56 being elderly!
Well, (LOL) there was a certain amount of wry humour involved in that elderly comment about myself. It goes back to something said by someone much younger at my old firm a few months ago. She called me an old hen, and suggested that I should think about making good use of the scant time I had left on this plane. At the time I looked askance, but one thing is certain - I am enjoying this wonderful and very creative time.
Nokomis, Pastiche? Hodgepodge? In Her inimitable way, I hear Kuan Yin saying, "Self-portrait!" The photo speaks volumes, a reflection of your inner Self. Amazing how our subconscious works! Thanks for sharing! Aloha
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