The bright blooms of this native Yellow Lady's Slipper were photographed for the first time on Saturday morning from the middle of a deep pool of accumulated rainwater and in the midst of a icy downpour - one of those prolonged northern monsoons which always seem to make an appearance here in late May.
By yesterday morning, the pond (tide pool?) had dwindled somewhat, and I was able to splash right across it. The wild orchids had already recovered their bounce and boundless enthusiasm, and like little solar disks or golden suns in the woodland, they were visible from a long way, right across their guardian moat and down the trail.
During yesterday's ramble, there was a brisk wind dancing through the trees, and all the orchids were in constant motion - they seemed to be nodding an enthusiastic greeting, something sorely needed as my inner predator (nay sayer) has been hard at work in the last few days.
There is wild abondon in the artistic beauty of these blossoms... I can envision the delight of the painter welding a glowing brush.
We drove to a native plant nursery and came home with some of these plants - tiny with only a couple of leaves yet filled with promise.
I relish the gifts of these lovely plants.
Oh yes - I also send you an enthusiastic greating - may your nay-sayer be busy at other tasks and leave you to the joy of the day :=)
Nokomis......have found the woods again and have spent the last evenings in hiking mode with my children and each of our dogs......its been glourious and beautiful with the dampness of rain and the mosses so green...saw the most beautiful orchid.can not remember the name but it took my breath away.....thought of you and wished I had the camera....but sometimes the moment should just be.......peace to you ...aisling
I am stunned by this beauty
One day I hope to see these flowers in person.
Stunning post - Awesome
Thank you.
I can't resist - I keep coming back to look again--- a-h-h-h- wonderful
It was a long weekend here in Canada, and how I wish you had all been here with me yesterday morning. I meandered off the trail and deeper into the woods and found a whole secluded ridge of Yellow Lady's Slippers nodding in the breeze, sat there for ages and looked at them breathlessly - it was better than a newfound job, money in the bank or even a lottery win - it was pure gold.
We have a few Yellow Lady's Slippers within a few miles of where we live but I often miss them. I guess now is the time to look if they are blooming up your way. We also have the Showy Lady's Slipper which we found at mid-June last year.
You've convinced me to make a trip to the woods today a high priority. I have just the destination in mind and will take you there one day. Thanks for taking me to your woods.
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