Wandering away from the trail yesterday morning, I saw a small movement in the shadows and went off to investigate as I always do, wading through deer flies, dense brambles and leafy thickets to reach the place where there had been a small winged agitation. Sitting comfortably (and perfectly camouflaged) among the prickly junipers under a gnarled maple was a fat freckled infant robin, intent on pretending that she (or he) was invisible, and that I was somewhere else entirely. The little robin's siblings were safely perched high on a branch nearby, but the parents were frantic and hysterical and making no attempt at pretense whatsoever - I clicked one fast and fuzzy image and departed quickly.
As we were closing the gate for the night, the hen turkey who is incubating her clutch of eggs in a deep hollow by the cedar along the fence appeared as if by magic from the shadows under the tree. She flew off up to the oak groves on the ridge to feed on catkins and last autumn's acorns, so I observed the old horation maxim of
carpe diem and captured a hasty photo of her nest and eggs. Fourteen little turkeys will be racing about in the front meadow in a week or two, and how I love the thought of their first happy explorations.
a day filled with wonderful blessings, I love days like that, thank you for sharing it,your post brought back beautiful memories for me
Delightful photos of your wandering!
We have a hen turkey who visits most mornings - have been missing her for a few days and hope she is setting on some eggs. Would love a small flock of wild turkeys here.
I miss keeping turkeys and chickens ;-)
You have a real heart connection with the creatures living close to you. I can tell by your story, the way you express your amazement and wonder at having seen what you saw ... and the photos are just wonderful, too! That's so cool you have wild turkeys living nearby! Thanks for this connection ... eggs are great, aren't they?
Well, now you have to try to get photos of the darting chicks when they arrive.
It was lovely to see the turkey's nest so closely and take a photo of it, , but if this summer is like last summer, I probably won't be able to capture the little ones on film or a memory card - almost from the moment they are hatched, little wild turkeys can run like racehorses, and I have yet to see them pause long enough for a picture to be taken!
What a delight!
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