Yesterday, the Two Hundred Acre Wood was a place of dazzling sunlight and brilliant green, with speckled pools of leafy shadow tucked in here and there. There were new ash, hickory, maple, beech and oak trees coming up everywhere I walked, and there were the gurgling sounds of rainwater flowing in newborn serendipity streams, over the hill and not far from the trail.
The trail was littered with the fallen pink petals of expired trilliums, but oh how the Columbines were blooming - this is the last weekend of their riotous spring profusion, and they were everywhere, like jewels in the flowing green.
The red columbine are so lovely in the dappled light!
We have a few on our property and hope to nurture more. On the cliffs of Hawks Nest along the Delaware River they are putting on a spectacular show.
I am refreshed simply by reading of your ramble.
I love the sense one gets when travelling thru the woods and knowing what is waning and what is on the rise.....change feels so natural...I must always remind myself that our own rythems echo the earths and to be open to what wanes and rises in my owm life and to celebrate what is and not angst over whats not.....aisling
Well, your site was worth visiting for the title of today's post alone. Thank you for looking and seeing in the forest so well. I'm glad to see through your eyes.
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