There is so much grandeur in the north woods that try as I might, I could never get it right or get it all onto these pages, and these images of the Northern Blue Violet, Greater White Trillium, Wild Oats, Yellow Lady's Slipper and Columbine are a just small scrap of this spring's wanderings.
What wonderful images to begin my day!
Black flys and no-see-ums are out here --- since i over-react to their bites - i am confined to the house or the deck for a few days. These wonderful images will fill my thoughts today.
Beautiful pictures. I am seeing so many wonderful pictures today. I'm sure I'm going to have a wonderful day. Please keep posting more pictures so we can all enjoy them:)
Such beautiful photography! Your blog is on my wake-up list along with endment's and a handful of others. These are the moments I savor and carry with me to start the new day with joy.
[I read your profile this morning. We share many interests. I haven't seen Little Buddha or Practical Magic, but would include the other movies and composers, as well as those books I've read (Helprin, Harris, Kidd, Estes) in a list of favourites. Based on that knowledge, I've compiled a list of the rest of the books and those two films to read or see this summer.]
What beautiful wild flower photos you have. Our trillium in Vermont has faded now, and I've never seen the one you listed as wild oats. It reminds me a little of bellwort except more twisted. :)
The way you find blossoms like the trilliums and the lady's slippers is so much the way you find and share the birds, the bird nests and eggs. You have to have a real love for nature, and a beauty-hunter's instincts to find the tiny treasures that otherwise may be hidden in your forest.
I'm glad you are posting these now ... your photos are lovely and very sweet. I can tell you spend alot of time glorying in Nature's beauty. Taking it all in.
Hi Endment -- you too--- I hope you can get outside soon. It's no fun to be cooped up inside when the weather is beautiful!
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