If you would know that thing,
You must look at it long:
To look at this green and say,
"I have seen spring in these
Woods," will not do - you must
Be the thing you see:
You must be the dark snakes of
Stems and ferny plumes of leaves,
You must enter in
To the small silences between
The leaves,
You must take your time
And touch the very peace
They issue from.
John Moffitt
Wonderful reminder - I love the times when I can be still and let nature move around me!
I once had a rendevous with a youth group at a small pond at a nature center. I sat by the pond for an hour waiting for the group (that never came) but I saw all kinds of happenings at the pond, and that made the wait worthwhile.
"You must be the thing you see." Won't the world be a peaceful place when we realize that we are?
I shared this with my yoga mentor and her advice was to think self and not thing.......ummmmmm what an interesting meditation .....thank you for the words........aisling
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