Capturing the first Lady's Slipper of the season was a bit of work. The first blooming cluster of the season is located on a tiny tump (island) surrounded by a pool created of this week's abundant rainfall, and there is no easy way to get close to the blooms. Yesterday, my orchid was soaking wet, looking rather droopy and curled in around itself because of the cool temperatures in the woods.
Much as I love the the shapes and colours of these wild orchid blooms in season, I am always just as entranced by the curves and swirling patterns of the vivid green leaves — on yesterday's ramble, they showed up as flashes of brilliant emerald amid the sodden foliage, quite an accomplishment in a place as sumptuously hued as the Lanark woods are at this time of year.

Oh --- the wonderful rewards for walking in the rain...
I love this armchair ramble with you! The sounds of the rain and the melody of the waterfall - what wonderful nurture for a dry soul! The patterns of nature are so generous and wonderful!
I, too, am just as entranced by the leaves, especially this photo of them. If I had a colour printer, I'd probably be cutting and pasting it to the cover of my journal to enjoy every day.
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