Verb: amble, boogie, dally, dance, dawdle, dilly-dally, doodle, drift, flit, flitter, float, flow, gallivant, meander, mosey, poke about, potter, promenade, ramble, roam, rove, sashay, schlep along, tarry, toddle, traipse, twitten, wander; Noun: adventure, amble, caravan, cruise, drive, excursion, exploration, frolic, gallop, jog, jaunt, journey, junket, odyssey, outing, pilgrimage, promenade, prowl, quest, ramble, roaming, safari, sally, sojourn, stroll, tour, travel, traveling, traverse, trek, trip, twittening, vagabondage, venture, voyage, wandering, wayfaring
Saunter is a lovely word of somewhat obscure derivation like twitten which means much the same thing, but is perhaps more of a slow and thoughtful pottering with a little less bounce in one's step. Methinks that good sauntering requires limber knees, a blithe spirit, a certain insouciance and practiced nonchalance. I admire adept practitioners of this form of locomotion but sadly, I am unable to muster up the jaunty gait or floating stride to do it properly. This is due to health issues and perhaps an "age thing" too, but I am looking forward to sauntering along in another lifetime.

love your word pictures and your sauntering friend :)
You make gathering information turn into poetry
what a darling, sweet, happy looking dog! love at first sight!
Lovely, lovely, lovely. I think you'd like Cousineau's book the Art of Pilgrimage. He talks a lot about "sauntering." I love just rereading that book sometimes, since all of life is a pilgrimage. Maybe now is good. Thanks!
That photo of Cassie with her ton hanging like a leftover piece of ham is terrific. So pure doggy in personality. Who could be uptight around that?
TWO great pictures that capture the spirit of sauntering... ahhhh!
Thoreau was a great advocate of sauntering. I know that there is a Sauntering Society that is somehow connected with him.
poetry in motion, leading with her nose. Cassie's cute with that expression.;
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