On this day, sunshine, daylight hours and life itself are at their zenith. Never again in this turning year will Helios drive his chariot with as much zest as he does today, riding the blue skies high and long and throwing handfuls of gold over the earth as he moves above it.
Compliments of Midsummer and the Summer Solstice to you, Happy Litha. May your whole day be illuminated by golden sunlight and filled with rosy fragrance.
these full roses remind me of the full skirts of days gone by on the dance floor, twirling in time to the music of summer.
May this first day of summer bring you Joy
Oh Cate, such glorious roses. Your photos and words always give me such joy. I feel so full, and it's only 8 AM!
Oh yes, Endment, full skirts that whirled and swirled and twirled in a circle around us as we danced - I also remember having a dress this colour of organdy over silk, acquired for a concert when I was sixteen - was playing the Grieg piano concerto in that concert, and I felt beautiful, creative and so accomplished in that dress. When the full skirt moved, there were hints of lavender here and there and shades of deep rose in the folds.
Joy to you too, my friend!
Best wishes to you, too!
I can't believe I somehow let the Summer Solstice slip by unnoticed. Your post and the beautiful flowers remind me that I can celebrate tonight--two days late, by myself, on my patio in the candlelight, with my new MacBook. I love the Edward Abbey poem, too.
thank you
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