Autumn's leaves are clad in fire - they dance a blaze across the hills to their own unheard and windy music, and they crackle gloriously underfoot in early morning. Rimed with frost, they sparkle like Burma rubies and the finest African garnets ever discovered, in rare and costly settings of gold and platinum set round with diamond chips.
Summer's tones are softer and more rounded, and summer's music is a quiet rustling among the trees, the soft sighing of summer breezes, an endless flow of liquid birdsong, the tinkling of woodland streams.
Having lived in Vermont for 20 years, I know those maples. We have maples here in Virginia but not the same ones. Their autumn color while very lovely, is rather bland in comparison.
Have a great day!
The glow from the monitor - fill me with a sense of warmth and beauty
beautiful, i love visiting here for a daily dose of beauty. thanks so much.
Beautiful. They almost have the color of poison oak.
What a wonderful tree! I always did have a soft spot for rosey maple trees. :)
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