Can there be too many roses in one's garden? I have taken out my tattered copy of Taylor's Guide to Roses once again and am trying to figure out where I can put several more of these wonders this year. Although they bloom only once (for the most part), I have a particular fondness for old roses, and their names have all the lilt and cadence of a good cantrip: Maxima, Allegra, Maiden's Blush, Belle Amour, Ispahan, Isis, Celestial, Empress, Autumn Damask, La Noblesse, Reine des Violettes, Tuscany, Rosa Mundi, Leda.
Too beautiful!
Roses are among my favorites as well. Some are forgiving and others demand a great deal of your time if you want to be their friend!
Gorgeous! a friend of mine is a rose nut and has found several varieties which are "ever-blooming" I think they are called David Austin roses.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. My little patio garden is largely shady so roses don't work too well, but have a rose plant in my bathroom right now which gets lots of light. These roses you post look like wild ones that grew in my neighborhood when I was a kid.
I stopped along one of my walks today to pull neighbours' roses closer to the fences so I could get face to face with them, petal to nose really. I haven't grown roses for a long while. Perhaps the time has come again.
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