There was a profusion of lace at the gate of the Two Hundred Acre Wood in Lanark yesterday, bank upon bank of it stretching into the distance: Queen Anne's Lace and the wild roadside kin who join it in summer: flowering Wild Fennel, Milkweed, Yarrow, Chicory, Butter-and-Eggs, Spotted Knapweed, St. John's Wort, Virgin's Bower (wild Clematis), a wide assortment of clovers, mulleins, hawkweeds, pinks, vetches, fleabanes and daisies. The roadside sisters were all dancing madly and rapturously in the astonishing heat and the dry summer wind.
The splendid organic architecture of Queen Anne's Lace never fails to delight. From first bud to autumn's fragile spiralling round brown mandala husk, the flower heads are intricate and amazing, and each one wears a tiny blood red flower in its centre to attract pollinating bees - there were bees everywhere yesterday, and the air was filled with their happy buzzing. As I stood at the roadside, I remembered Kim's words a few days ago about the Melissae and thought that bees have been present in much of my life too.
The splendid organic architecture of Queen Anne's Lace never fails to delight. From first bud to autumn's fragile spiralling round brown mandala husk, the flower heads are intricate and amazing, and each one wears a tiny blood red flower in its centre to attract pollinating bees - there were bees everywhere yesterday, and the air was filled with their happy buzzing. As I stood at the roadside, I remembered Kim's words a few days ago about the Melissae and thought that bees have been present in much of my life too.
Very nice pictures, interesting blog
very love lace photos, such an interesting flower
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