This year I have time in which to watch the great wheel turn and I am watching everything around me shapeshift and flow in marvellous and unexpected ways. The wind at dawn, the crunch of the grass underfoot, the intricate spider webs in the cedar hedgerow, the dry whisper of the ash trees around me - all offer wild songs, flashes of colour and small wisdoms for contemplation, and I am enjoying every single encounter.
The world is full of small things to observe and admire, and this morning, there is so much to see that I have not made it to the end of the garden. There are flocks of young crows dancing in the trees behind the little blue house in the village, and there are hordes of starlings in the grass with their starry coats and bright yellow beaks. The fall asters are in bud, and the first white one (above) has just bloomed. I am hoping for a few more days in the company of asters and butterflies.
Today I am envious of your time to soak in the beauty around you... Have to go in for more medical stuff so life is --- hurry, wait, rush, wait, wait, hurry - if only there were not so many blank walls!
Here in the muggy Texas hill country, at last after 32 days of 100 degree temps, we have the promise of thunder storms. I sat out in the back patio, smelling the intense juniper and cedar from the little wilderness patch beyond the fence, watched the birds and noted about 10 dragon flies hovering too and fro...are they sensing the approaching change in the weather? I welcome whatever drops fall from the sky, we sorely need it.
Maybe I'm just noticing them more but I don't think I've seen so many butterflies in many a year.
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