The leaves of hickory, beech, birch and poplar turn saffron and tawny in autumn as do the leaves of my favourite gingko trees in the village. The larches (or tamaracks) by the beaver pond turn brilliant yellow, and the various goldenrods in the fields are canary colored from start to finish, until they go to seed.
In autumn, a single specimen of Yellow Orange Agaric glows like a hundred watt light bulb among fallen leaves and dried grasses under the trees of the woodland. Agaric is visible in all its glory in October, and one sees it as it cannot be seen at any other time of the year - on Saturday, I could see this delightful but very toxic mushroom glowing on the hillside from a distance of several hundred feet away.
After days spent rhapsodizing about the reds, this one is for the glorious golds.
Hi, I just browse blog from my blog and I stopped by. Your photos are so nice.
Good morning kerrdelune,
One thing I love about your blog is your ability to direct my gaze, your ability to help me look more closely. Reading this post made me feel like I'd been with you when you spotted the mushroom from afar.
When I first saw the picture, I thought the agaric was a hot air balloon. How lovely it is.
What a wonderful photograph of the yellow orange agaric - such a vibrant colour. I don't think we have that one in UK though I've seen the red-spotted fly agaric over here - it's not as beautiful as yors though.
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