I went down to the lake looking for my heron yesterday, knowing in my bones that he would be leaving us within the next few days and wanting to wish him a safe journey southward, but my friend (it appears) has already left us for the year. The shallows were without their majestic summer resident, and they were without frogs, water beetles and floating florals too. There were white and yellow (spatterdock) waterlilies everywhere here this summer, but all that remained of the season's watery abundance were rapidly browning tufts of tall water bloomers and bronze waterlily leaves.
The blue herons who nest near my apartment have left for the season, as well. I always miss them when they're gone; I love to watch them.
When I lived in Fairbanks, my favorites were the sandhill cranes, with their rusty gate hinge call.
Happy Thanksgiving! And may I say I'm very grateful you posted the butterfly photo.
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the master calls a butterfly."
~Richard Bach
Couldn't resist. :)
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