What we are doing to each other and to the beautiful little blue planet which is our birthplace is scary stuff, but it goes way beyond scary - it is terrifying, and it makes me angry. We are turning our home and our whole world into a vast stinking midden. This is not the legacy I wish to leave for my grandchildren.
Never thought I would come to your site and type the words ' what dreadful photographs' but these are truly horrible but alas, an all too common sight on every continent these days. Not to mention the appalling stuff being dumped in the oceans and the stupidity and greed of people who can't see that their actions are destroying everything. This morning our newspaper headline was that scientists have calculated that the sea food stocks in the ocean will have totally disappeared by 2050 because of overfishing. Not that this will stop it happening. One day we will wake up to the fact that we have destroyed all the things that make it possible for us to live but by then it will be too late. Mother Earth will survive and heal but the human race won't.
ReplyDeleteSorry - got a bit carried away there!
Rowan, I absolutely loathe both photographs, and such scenes drawn from real life and my pottering about always make me cringe - they make me sad and they make me very angry too. There was a third image I couldn't bring myself to tuck in here this morning - a syringe laying on the grass in a local park. How can we be doing this to each other and to Gaia? Goddess above. . . .
ReplyDeleteNow that is SCARY!!!!! TRULY SCARY.....
ReplyDeleteWhat is even scarier is the stuff you can't photograph such as increasing mercury levels in everything both land-based and water-based and the effect this is having on all of us.
ReplyDeleteScary beyond scary. And I feel it - like some sharp, angry grief - in the center of my chest.