Sunday, December 17, 2006

Before Yule at the Pond

This morning, I am sharing a tradition, my annual pre-Yule visit to the hidden beaver pond which lies almost a mile from the front gate of the Two Hundred Acre Wood, an hour or so spent in the comfortable presence of my favourite place. At other times of the year, my companions are the beaver tribe (which is snug in its twiggy lodge now), the quietly roaming deer, great herons, sandpipers and wood ducks — yesterday, there was only me and a raven croaking happily overhead.

Whatever the holiday interval brings my way, I feel compelled to do this, and when I have made my visit to the pond and given thanks to the land and its wild residents, I can handle just about anything the universe throws my way.

This is the place where my spirit is most at home — a visit to the old beaver pond soothes my spirit and banishes anxiety, it energizes me, and it lifts me up.


Maya's Granny said...

As always, pictures and words that soothe the soul and centers the mind.

Peaceful/Paisible said...

Dear Cate, your place is getting more and more beautiful...I brought a small stone for the pond, but it just slided on the ice...I forgot it was so cold over there...
love from Mousie

Anonymous said...

Hi kerrdelune,

Once again you have rescued me from starting off the day on the wrong foot. I was grumpy to wake up and find that it is Monday. I was in my Get Ready For Work mode. The words, images and spirit of this post reminded me of who I really am. Thank you.