Yesterday, the gardens of the little blue house in the village were confused realms, sunlight on the cobblestones in front, tiny green fronds coming up in the lawn and flower beds, a cardinal singing courtship songs in the crabapple tree - at the same time snow was falling in huge, powdery fluffy flakes on the garden behind the little blue house, and the temperature was plummeting in the village .
On such days, should one cling to thoughts of winter or springtime? I just watched it all yesterday with a mug of tea in hand (Bigelow's Constant Comment) and tried not to cling to any season at all.
This morning, I woke up to see a thin dusting of snow on the grass. I'm now getting so used to the green that the white seems unusual. With the lack of deep winter, I've found that I haven't done some of the work I had intended to do -- sorting and editing my photo collection (my standard winter occupation). Now, when I look at the photos, I'm just anxious for spring to arrive -- wondering if it will be early, or if the weather will change, and it will be at its usual time, or perhaps even late. Confusing times.
I adore rocks. (I have a character in a poem saying "among the silence and surety of rocks...") That's a wonderful photo. (All yours are, actually.)
Yes, this winter has been an odd one so far. Savings for many on heat bills, losses for ski resorts.... While I worry that my kus will give others indigestion when they clearly contain references to two different seasons. LOL!
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