June Callwood paddled her own canoe all the way, and she did it with heart, courage, compassion and great determination, often upstream, against the current, the prevailing winds and the odds.
When I was growing up, June was one of the first (and only) strong female voices I encountered in public life, and therefore she was something of a role model in my younger days. Canadian journalism will be a different place and in many ways a poorer place without her wise, independent and iconclastic presence.
If you are a user of cosmetics, this is interesting and illuminating reading.
Good morning,
Wonderful post about June, and especially about the article on make-up.
She sounds like a remarkable woman, and I'm sorry I didn't know about her before this.
As for the cosmetics, it's tough. Even finding unscented products can be a major undertaking, and narrows the field of what you can choose from significantly.
I also want to thank you for the article. I began learning about chemicals in cosmetics last year and started a new makeup regime that uses natural ingredients. Because of people like you who pass the word on, others will learn about the dangers of beauty products that contain toxic ingredients.
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