We were all thinking happily of sowing packets of seeds in sunlight and laying out flats of bright spring flowers and there was much joyous natter as we pottered about in our oilskins and rubber boots.

This morning I awakened to the sound of wind in the gutters and the little blue house creaking like an old wooden schooner sailing upriver, the muffled thump of snow falling off the roof. When I pulled the draperies open and looked out into the garden with coffee in hand, there were several inches of fluffy sparkling whiteness draped over the trees, the still dreaming garden beds and the shrubberies - the day looked rather like one in early January, but somewhat milder.
Does one draw the draperies closed again (and quickly), shutting out such a day amid morose thoughts, muted squawks of protest and expressions of gloom? No, it is a beautiful day for all that, and the pristine sparkle of the abundant flakes and gentle snowfall are lovely to see from my kitchen window. The village is out and about again this morning, but we are wearing woollies rather than oilskins, and we are carrying snow shovels rather than our garden spades.
First snow, then compost, then snow again. . . one who lives this far north becomes acquainted with oscillating weather at the cusp of the seasons. All is change and flow.
Beautiful post, I hope spring finds her way back to us, she is obviously very lost.
I have come visiting by way of introduction from PlumpieMousie - she is not wrong - your site is wonderful!
Cate, We have also been experiencing changes in weather... from winter to spring and back again. Well, as for the past three days we are back to spring. It is chilly certainly, but most of the evidence of winter is disappearing again. I wonder if it is for good this time? Thanks for sharing your insights. Calming and reflective as always!
Cate I find this time of year so frustrating! One day my wee one and I are tossing snow over our heads and making snow-gnomes on our front lawn and the next we're helping earthworms find their way back from the rain-drenged driveway! She, however, is embracing each day's oscillation with as much joy as the last one...and THAT is the lesson I'm learning thus far!
Like you, I was out on our milder days, raking the lawn, trimming back our bushes, playing hide & seek with our pots in the bulging garage...and loving every minute of it! I've mourned winter, am sticking my tongue out at the grey skies (although I know we need the rain) and doning my sarong and mary-janes in hopes that Sister Spring hears my pleas! Regardless of the weather though, come hell or high water (or snow or sleet) I am celebrating Beltane skyclad!
Isn't that the pitts.
The weather is even wackier now then it used to be too.
I love the comparison of the little blue house to an old wooden schooner - I could immediately see the picture. Snow is always beautiful when it is newly fallen but I must admit that I'd find it slightly harder to admire it in the middle of April. Happily I don't have to as Spring is working overtime here:)
ur blog is very inspiring!!! i LOVE it. this is a blog i will probualy visit every day to say your new posts! thank u so much for such a thougtful blog!!!
oh yes and even tho i do not write about these kind of things on my blog for I am more of a girly-girl on my blog, i DO write them eveery day in my journal. i love to ponder these kind of things. i am very happy to see a blog like this because i am sick of seeing blogs that are replicas of others. its very mood-lifting to find a very thought-filled blog. thank you once again!!!
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