It is raining steadily here this morning, and it has been raining all night, with fireworks and sound effects all the way through.
Alas the scribe is in a somewhat foggy and befuddled state this morning. My German Shorthair Pointer (and constant companion), Cassie, had an agitated night, and I was up for most of the dark hours with her, just holding her most of the time. My darling wee girl is somewhat elderly now, and a host of unhappy memories from her battered childhood have resurfaced. She is remembering being left outdoors as a puppy in her too-small crate during thunderstorms, and she remembers how terrified she was. As we age, such childhood memories (both happy and agonized) have a way of returning to us in all their intensities.
This mother has spent most of the night sitting in a nice secure windowless closet with her third daughter, and I really would not have it any other way, but this morning, I am not quite with it. Nevertheless, the day lilies in the garden are wonderful in the rain.
Cate, I did not realize your Cassie was a German Shorthair Pointer. My Maude is a German Wirehair Pointer, so they may be distantly related! *grin* I'm glad she has you to comfort her through the storm. We had storms in the Great Lakes region of the US too. I added a photo of an orange day lily to my blog today also, but your close-up puts my photo to shame. What gorgeouness you have to share here today! :)
Just say the word Cate, and I'll send some reiki over...
Love & Light,
Dogs are so much like people, in so many ways. Since they moved in with us humans, our packs have overlapped. I hope she sleeps through most of the summer's storms.
The day lily photos are beautiful. Ours are done, except some of the late hybrids. We're still 3 weeks or more ahead of you, here in North Carolina. I'm still watching your photos carefully to see when you catch up and pass us. Like a quicker, taller wave overtaking a slower, wider, more gradual one.
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