Monday, August 06, 2007


After a week or two of becoming acquainted, it appears that the colt's name will be Bonhomme and perhaps "Beau" for short - he is definitely a "good man" (bonhomme), a gentleman, and beautiful too (beau).

This new life is a challenging exercise for the little guy. Like all colts his age, Beau requires frequent feeding and much loving attention from everyone he meets. He is having a wonderful time exploring the shiny (to him anyway) world of the farm, and he does so with boundless enthusiasm and curiosity. He follows his proud mother everywhere she goes, and he sleeps contentedly in the sunshine for hours at a time. The need for sleep manifests itself suddenly and in unexpected places - in the midst of a spirited romp around the paddock or field, he stops and yawns, then folds up neatly into the grass or straw and starts to snore.

He has the softest and most expressive nose on the planet.


Lil said...

if you could see me now, i've got a big grin on my face looking at these photos and imagining him romping...

when my cats were kittens, they would do the the midst of playing, stop suddenly,fold their paws underneath them, and sleep. i'm positive that's where the term "cat nap" comes from...


delhidreams said...

animals teach us things
to sleep when it feels
and roam with the winds
and i wonder still
where has my animalism gone :)

Anonymous said...

He's a sweety - I wouldn't have though he could get any cuter after those first pics, but somehow he has managed to do so.

Nemo Odyssey said...

Last vestiges of a bad mood melting away in the beauty of youth and spunk (with the occasional nap!) Beau is a beauty!

Tabor said...

The youngest of all of us helps remind us elders what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

What a marvellous happening to you and yours Cate. Welcome Beau, may your wanderings be as beautiful as you are. Beau brings a smile to all of us.
How wonderful!

Michele said...

He is so beautiful! I just want to kiss his sweet soft nose.