They have departed, but the Red-Shouldered Hawks (
Buteo lineatus) were a pleasure to watch all season long, and their airborne courtship rituals over the hill were simply astonishing, lofty choreographies of alternate soarings and plummetings, wide spirals and steep, almost vertical ascents. They were poetry in motion, and I shall miss them.
the eagles courtship rituals remind of me of falling in love. when you fall in love you're literally falling, taking that risk and hoping that the other person will be there to catch you.
Compelling photos. Wish I could get my camera trained as well as you are able to train yours :)
The eagles are majestic and beautiful. It must have been wonderful listening to them through their mating rituals.
Oops ... I forgot to sign in on the right blog account... the above comment was from me!!
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