The commonest of the buteos native to the Lanark highlands, the Red-tailed Hawk or Buteo jamaicensis borealis wears a pejorative nickname here, that of "chicken hawk", but this beautiful bird deserves a more elegant sobriquet.
In the air, my friend is poetry in motion, and I could watch her forever, listening to her shrill cries as she hunts over the western field. She soars way up there in the autumn blue with the effortless grace and perfect circular motion of a great eagle.
Common in my part of the world? Yes... Uncommon in her beauty, her plumage, her fierce eyes and her round flight? Absolutely... She and her whole clan are a gift, a great and astonishing gift.
They are beautiful. We had one several years ago who lived in our woods and dutifully rid us of all small rodents and snakes. When he flew over our deck, the shadow he cast was huge! Sometimes he landed on the top of our deck umbrella and surveyed his domain. I was sad when he left - he found a lady friend and apparently she didn't like the neighborhood....LOL
magnificent.... but how did you get that photo?... you are blessed and you bless us.
It was not a very good picture, and drastic cropping was required - she (I think it was a she) landed suddenly on a gate post nearby, and I wasn't expecting it but snapped a few quick photos of her. I do wish the pictures had been better because she is gorgeous.
Thank you.
Your blog is inspiring and awesome.
she is magnificent, I must show my boys later.
Your work is powerful....
My thoughts turn to you always.
Wisdom has made it's home in your hearth...
Always and Forever
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