As the scribe and doddering occasional photographer wrestles this morning with business plans, income statements, cash flow statements and a great morass of number crunching which is related to financial projections, here is one of her favorite views: old barn and first snowfall.
In the last month or so, I have begun to consider the idea of writing and publishing a book on the beautiful old barns which are fast disappearing from the Canadian landscape.
I have a favorite photo of an old barn at my parents place before they passed and the property was sold. Maybe I can remember to post it sometime.
Do it! I'll pre-order a copy!
Cate, I too admire the weathered barns on our back-road travels...I have fond memories of sprinting through a family one in my childhood...something I know my own daughter will probably never, ever know. That is so sad! So yes, I vote for the book too!
peace and shakin' the tree,
We had a great old barn on our farm here in Oregon but economically, as I am sure has been the case with many others, we could not justify the over $40,000 to be put into it to keep it upright and in a windstorm year before last, it went down. Very sad but with big bales, the way we raise cattle and sheep, it didn't serve a purpose other than beauty. Eventually even if we'd had the money, the wood simply wouldn't hold it up. It was sad though and I think your idea for a book is an excellent one. I always think after something is gone-- wish I had at least saved it in photographs.
Ooohh, my, this is a beauty. I would be one to buy your book. Just lovely. I too have fond memories of the farm and countryside. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of this great Canadian heritage.
Lots of peace and love in this season.
Great idea! You could probably publish a book with all your other photographs too. They are lovely.
Yes, I love old barns, too, and I love the snow to look at. But, I'm glad it isn't falling here. Thinking of you.
Hey Sis,
Just popping by and smiling. Your book about barns sounds just lovely.
Prairie Star
Your blog and your writing are superb! I love how you express the world around you.
What a wonderful idea - someone did this for barns in Saskatchewan.
You have a great view - would make doing financial work so much easier!!
A book on old barns would be nice, but from the images I've seen so far on your blog I believe you might also be able to do a lovely nature photography book. I enjoy all of your images but there are a number of them that really stand out. Perhaps a grouping of your best would be received favorably by a publisher.
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