Friday, December 07, 2007

Mama says Om - Thank You!

Friday morning, and the day (at least in its beginning) is snowclad and rather sombre - the wind is whistling a hollow resonant tune through the eaves of the little blue house in the village, the windbells suspended from the eaves are tinkling away, and the sky promises more snow.

There are heaps of handmade Christmas/Yule cards weighted down under heavy books on every flat surface in the place, photos and artwork slowly knitting up with the velvety textured and deckle-edged stock on which everything has been placed and glued down. There are stacks of festive envelopes and cellophane for packaging it all up. Life is a bit of a zoo at the moment, or perhaps we can call it a carnival - something festive, frenetic and absorbing at any rate.

There is a touch of withdrawal here this morning, and there is some sadness too, along with a goodly dollop of nostalgia. This is (alas) to be the first of many blogging Fridays without the strong, steady and quietly glowing presence of the mamas at Mama Says Om to begin the day.

However I choose to cope with Fridays here in the future, and whatever I choose to write about, this Friday is for the mamas who have been a bright part of my blogging life for so long. I am still nurturing a faint hope that I can entice the mamas back to writing regularly and posting Friday themes, and on one thing I do NOT agree with them at all. MSO has a very important place in this world of blog and it still has so much to say that is relevant, vibrant and true - we need the place, and I shall miss it.

Thank you, mamas....


Lil said...

Cate, have you seen the recent post on the site? There may be hope yet...

*huge sappy grin*


Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful pic. Like your side here. Have a nice day.


Marcie said...

Cate, Oh dear. I just love your "Mama Says Om" posts. They are a long, slow, deep breath at the beginning of my Friday mornings. hugs, Aisling