When I sat down here this morning, my mind was a tabula rasa for a while, no restless spirit, no impatience or agitation in evidence, just my smooth and empty screen - a palimpsest or canvas waiting for me to begin, but with no crying need to be scribed, described or filled up with words and brushstrokes.
Was it the grey sky with its promise of snow, the long dark shadows falling across the garden or the hollow sound of the wind through the eaves? I've no idea what was going on this morning, but when I went out to fill the bird feeders some time later, I discovered a few tiny fronds encased in ice down near the old maple tree and the sight moved me - almost to tears. How fragile they were, and how perfect.

What is the first photo? A freezing water/ice crystal matrix?
Yes indeed, that is exactly what it is, and it's a good thing I like such photo ops as there are plenty of them about here from early November until (gulp) April.
Do you mind my asking how you capture such a scene? Do you use a microscope?
(Sigh) yes, borrowed from an old friend who has some really spectacular toys - this one was a stereo microscope and digital camera all in one, and it was amazing.
I have asked for one for Christmas but am NOT holding my breath - it probably isn't going to happen, and I shall have to content myself with borrowing Victor's occasionally. In all fairness, I can't possibly justify such an expense, but I keep thinking about all the fun I could have with such a thing.
Your winter photos, indeed, all your photos are just stunning. As is your writing. Thanks for sharing both.
I love the photograph of the tiny fronds encased in ice. It is kind of hard thinking that we have to wait until April for spring.
I came here through Tess' site. Very well written and awesome photos.
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