Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sitting Like a Mountain

This rendering of sitter and lotus, like the "Eyes of the Buddha", has been percolating through the dusty recesses of my crone-ish mind for some time and has finally made it onto a page, thence the screen.

I wanted this one to be clean, clear and very Zen in appearance, the very essence of wisdom, mindfulness and simplicity, and so it has turned out to be. Although it is too early to be sure where my sitter and lotus will take up permanent residence, I can "see" them on shirts and cards. Hm.....


Anonymous said...

Dear Cate,
Another superb creativity of yours, just love the colors and the shape. It is like when you take a photo towards the sun, everything in front is black. Wow!

This is beautiful.

Val said...

Wow, a lovely image, all the better for its asymmetry - so subtle that fold in the cloak. Very appealing, it sucks me in .......

Shelli said...

I love it.

Aiyana said...

This is very appealing. I'd be tempted to purchase one.

Loren said...

Very nice. I particularly like the bell-like shape of the sitter.

Shelley said...

Another Shelley loving it!