Thank you to those of you who wrote about Katie. It still hurts, but she is in a better place now and free from suffering at the hands of vicious humankind. Perhaps one of these days, I shall be walking down a street somewhere and see her looking out from another dear little face.
It occurs to me that there is not a single tag in my cloud of tags which would begin to cover the sadness of the last few days.
All of your pictures just leave me breathless. I live in Washington, DC, where when it snows it is beautiful until rush hour.
Recently my husband saw a puppy at the pet store that looked like he could be an offspring of a dog we saved. Who knows? But it does show that life goes on, and we're so happy thinking that critter is out there somewhere in a good home.
rest well sweet Katie.
And know that they dont all die, some live.
my last rescue, Hank.
The light of Love shines in my window tonight for you, and for Katie...
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