Taking photos of her has always been a challenge, and this one was a quick grab. She has long been a practitioner of some wild and mystical form of spiritual practice which delights in constant dancing motion and singing to the moon. That same esoteric practice leads her to shun the taking of photos, feeling perhaps that the camera is trying to capture her soul.
Cassie! It's so good to see your beautiful face!
Your words this early morning and this special image.
Have indeed touched my heart.
What a nobel and regal face! I can see the photo caption now" Only for you dear one, would I suffer a photo"
Oh she is so beautiful. I just want to hug her! What a lovely post.
cassie sits in my heart right beside my daughter's space ~ i have adopted her through your written journey's and now her luscious chocolate face...what a gift! thank you cate for posting her...
She is very beautiful and seems full of wisdom. Please hug her for me!
what an expressive and nobel face she has...I love her already....as I have always been a dog person, I especially feel your pain and see her wisdom...may she be with you for many long days to come...we all know, doctors don't know all, they just think they do!
Ah kisses for Cassie and bosies for you dear sister xxx
Cassie is beautiful, you're lucky to have such a faithful friend. It's a shame that she doesn't like having her photo taken - unlike Bilbo Baggins who loves it and actually poses for the camera:)
Cassie is a beautiful girl. My Maudie is 13 now also; I posted her little birthday tribute on May 15th. Her signs of aging are not yet causing her any distress, but we can see clearly that she is slowing down.
Cassie is blessed to be walking through her final days with you, Cate.
much love,
I was so happy to see the Little Brown Girl. Ah, the things we do for love. Cassie Girl knows she is loved and pauses, in the midst of her wild heart rambles, to gift us with her wise loving face.
today i read over your more recent posts which i had not yet seen. i love seeing this beautiful photograph of cassie and am so sorry to read she is ill. i know what it is like to face the challenge you see before you. my pups were like my children to me, and i miss them more than words could ever express. one lived to be almost 18 and the other to 15 1/2. they both had good, long lives. nevertheless, i would have been happy for them to live at least another 30 years! i hope you and cassie have a delightful summer romping about and discovering more of life's mysteries and joys.
What a gorgeous soul!
Oh, what a beautiful love bug she is!! Thank you for this lovely photo of Cassie. She is too precious.
I found your blog this early July morning via Ernestine's blog. Read that your girl needs you now...
I am glad to see her photo and will send sweetest blessings to you both during this time.
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