Tuesday, September 02, 2008



Forest Green said...

Good Boy, Spencer! GOOD BOY!

Anonymous said...

Wow, good lookin...


Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!

jzr said...

Congrats to both you and Spencer! He is gorgeous!

Jay Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay Andrew said...

Sorry for deleting my post - the verification code ended up in there somehow!

Anyway, to re-iterate, what a happy looking fella - he knows he has a good home.

Lots of love and good times to you and Spencer from Roxie and me xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great looking dog! I know he'll have a happy home with you. He looks like he'll maky you happy also.
Love to all of you. - Dona Davis

L'Adelaide said...

ah, what sweet eyes...always tell a good dog by their eyes :)

blessings, dear one.

Amberchlopaz said...

He's a handsome, gorgeous-looking boy. Thank you so much for sharing him with us. :-) Joyce

La Belette Rouge said...

Love that face!!

Anonymous said...

woo...what a lucky dogboy to have found you!
Tweeter and I want to have tea with you and Spencer...


hele said...

That is the face of a dog who knows he is about to go on a walk. Happy eyes and a smile.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely dog ! I smile when I think of the happiness you are already enjoying together. I do feel that beloved companions who have passed on can direct your choice of a new companion, and I think this is exactly what Cassie has done !

Playing Field said...

Fabulous for mom, dad and the boy!

Sky said...

what a doll! so glad you have each other. now we can look forward to some "spencer stories" as he begins to take long walks with his mom. happy autumn to you both! :)

Anonymous said...

Spencer has a kind, knowing face and, he is beautiful! He is a love! The old wild mother is so caring. Love, Modron

What in the World said...

So Beautiful...and such a Great Blessing for both of you!