And me??? I was astonished and bemused to discover that tomorrow marks three full years of steady blogging here at Beyond the Fields We Know - three full years of logging on here every single day, posting a bad photo and nattering on for a few paragraphs. It boggles the mind, and I can't quite come to terms with my audacity in setting this place up, let alone doing the blogging thing faithfully for three years in a row.
I would like to redesign the header for this place and write a new template for it, but I am not contemplating any significant changes to this little corner of the blogging realm, and I expect Spencer and I will simply continue to meander along at our own pace, watching morning fogs enfold the village, bare trees swaying against the sky, and linden leaves raining dewdrops like honey in the park. My darling departed Cassie is always with us on our morning walks - we can hear her breathing and feel her rambling happily along beside us, but her dancing feet make no sound in the fallen leaves. The words that came to mind as we three went along through the fog this morning are from a much loved poem by the incandescently gifted Mary Oliver.
The years to come -- this is a promise --
will grant you ample time
to try the difficult steps in the empire of thought
where you seek for the shining proofs you think you must have.
But nothing you ever understand will be sweeter,
or more binding,
than this deep affinity between your eyes and the world.
Mary Oliver, Excerpt from Terns
Thank you for being here with me. You are more precious and wonderful than you can ever know.
I would greatly appreciate it if you restrain yourself and no longer refer to any of your beautiful photographs as "bad."
thank you very much!
your devoted fan, sky, who sends many congrats on your 3rd anniversary of blogging, a gift you give to many who find great joy here in this space. :)
Cheers and Kudos!
You have brought me much joy during this past three years
I add my greatful thanks to sky's
Congratulations and Happy Third Anniversary!
Wow, 3 years already. Time is going by too fast. Congratulations dear Cate. And yes as sky has mentioned, these pics are true beauty not to be known as anything else. Love every visit to your site and wouldn't miss it for anything!
Cheers and keep on blogging...
Thank you for continuing to post your magnificent pictures here everyday for us to enjoy. I'm so grateful to have this as a resource. Happy Third Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! Three years is a long time to blog as consistently and with such great quality as you do every day.
The light in that top photo is incredible.
Although I haven't known about this site for three years, I can't imagine a day now without visiting and drinking in the inspiration provided by your incredible photos and beautiful poetry. Thank you.
Nope...not bad photos! lol
I am bad at commenting on blogs, but I always read yours & continue to enjoy the simplicity & beauty of your posts!
Thank YOU! xxxx:)
Warmest congratulations on your third anniversary, dear one! Visiting your sweet corner of the world and seeing it thru your precious eyes and heart has provided much inspiration for me and many, many smiles!
Much love and big hugs.
Not only beauty and joy, found in great measure here, but I also come for serenity, peace... time out of time. Thank you!
And this... the three of you walking together... a poignant tribute that touches my heart. I wish you well, finding peace in this loss.
Your photographs are beautiful. I'd love to know what camera you use!
And I love reading your posts and the way you speak of Cassie and Spencer.
Coming here each day is like a walk in the garden for me. I don't have a garden and you're the next best thing!
Thank you and blessings always.
You are my first stop every morning.
Thank You Cate, for the Joy, Beauty and Inspiration you add to each day!
Congratulations on 3 Wonderful years!
Congrats on Year Three! Cate thank you for your wonder-filled blog. I can't imagine not seeing your marvelous photos or reading your inspirational words every day. I keep wanting to drive to Lanark to find the Little Blue House and have a cup of tea with you. Thank you for being you and sharing of yourself with the rest of us. Respectfully, Jane
I echo what others have said; that your blog is at the heart of each unfolding day, with its images that speak the essence of Nature in all her infinite expression. And your words and poetry too... Thanks from the heart... A trinity achieved; and more to come!
Warmest blessings xxx
much love and respect to you cate and the pieces that you share of yourself here. did you know that you were the first blog ever that i found and commented on? this place is extra special to me...glad to hear you're not thinking of going anywhere, only changing like the seasons...
love to all three of you,
lil xo
Thank you for the rambles that I have not the time to take. Thank you for sharing Spencer and Cassie with us - someday I'll get a dog! Thank you for all of it.
Dona Davis
More like a luminescent photo and some words that keep me going. Thank you.
Just this very morning I was wondering what one does after their first year of blogging. After all, I thought, the same seasons will return again, and what then? How will there be anything new to talk about, to paint, to photograph? Seriously, I thought this. How silly of me.
I come here often to see what you see, to hear what you say. Congratulations on 3 years - I now have faith.
And PS - I love the poem.
Glad to see you are still creating such beauty for us all. Congratulations and appreciation.
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