Sunday, November 16, 2008

Going to Seed

Sunflowers are lovely (and impressive) things indeed when they're in full bloom, but in these short, dank, dark November days, they are downright wondrous in their delicate earthy coloration, their complexity and their determination to proliferate.

Wendell Berry called it "falling into the fund of things", and I agree totally - going to seed is a good thing, a necessary thing. Alas, I lack the delicate coloration, the complexity and elegance of form displayed by a sunflower gping to seed in November. If I can be said to resemble anything at all, it's an old ironwood tree in the woods.


Sky said...

and you could live 1200+ years and make gorgeous blooms in late spring! ironwood tree it is!

i love these photos, cate. i wish we had enough hot, hot sun to grow beautiful sunflowers here on our property. birds love the seed heads so much, and i find them so interesting in the fall garden - natural beauty filled with nutrients for our feathered explorers.

Anonymous said...

and she is beautiful