Today is the first day of December, and that means that in only thee weeks, northern days will begin to lengthen again. Hallelujah! It will be many many weeks until springtime arrives, but at least we will be on our way to warmth again, and Yule just may be my favorite day in the whole turning year. There will certainly be celebrations and much silliness here, candles and music and mulled cider to drive away the darkness and welcome the return of old Helios.
Since woolgathering is in full swing here, there should probably be a picture of a sheep or two attached to this post., but woolly creatures are hard to see in the snow.
Lovely thoughts and images...are we not so blessed to have the luxury to do these things that mean so much... to dwell in daydreams, sip tea and play with words.
I see we have much more in common than just wordplay.
Framing: in the midst of short days and cold weather, remembering that the days will soon be growing longer once more.
gorgeous cate! i can feel the magic of the season through this image...wow
lil xo
With the incredible beauty of the river scene, and not one mosquito to be seen either, I cannot imagine staying inside with tea and dreams. I want to be outside with skis or snowshoes. Also, just for the record, wooly sheep and goats are quite easy to see against the snow.
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