Monday, November 17, 2008



Endment said...

What a wonderful visitor -
These tiny friends make my day. I delight in watching them - Hope one day I can get them to come to my hand here - the way they do at the Morton Preserve

Quiet said...

The Old Ironwood Tree is calm and still so that beautiful little creatures like this will allow her to observe them. I love your images and suspect that the living beings in your landscape regard you as part of it, part of them.

Shelly said...

Ah, what a lovely picture! This little fellow's American cousins are always filled with curiosity when I walk in the woods, regardless of the season. 'What are you doing? Where are you going? Thanks for the sunflower seeds you left last time!'

Anonymous said...

What an excellent, detailed photo! I believe your little friend is waiting for the seedheads in the post below. :) Chickadees warm my heart every day.

Kim Antieau said...

Love it!!!

Livia Indica said...

I LOVE this!!

Anonymous said...

A good shot of your little friend. Don't chickadees make you smile?