The twilight chorale was a new experience for Spencer, and he listened thoughtfully for a while before deciding to join in the songfest with gusto. Surprise, surprise... My new furry son has a fine expressive tenor voice of his own, and he has quite a range - the wolves and the coyotes were impressed. When he finished his ballad, there was complete silence for a moment, and then the others all began to sing at once. There was approval in their voices and they sang the warmest of welcomes to the new lad in the neighborhood.
He is so very handsome, and cute, with a sprinkle of snow on his nose. What a charming story, and post. :-) Joyce
I love this story! And Spencer is the picture of Ee's beloved Gabe who has been gon for many years now.
What a handsome man-dog Spencer has turned out to be. Love the story!
Yes, he is so handsome. I will know soon if I am relocating to the country. If so a dog or two is first on my list. Then many birdfeeders and camera in hand daily.
oh, cate, he is truly beautiful as is this photograph. spencer could do commercials and make some big bucks! find him an agent!
What a fabulous symphony of sound!
And such a momentous occasion for your Spencer to find his place in the song.
I love the look in his eye. It is so thoughtful as if he is listening to his ancestors.
Beautiful picture and thought. I'd have loved to be there to hear it.
How I would love to hear their song. After reading your post I listened to the singing of my hounds with a fresh ear. I never before noticed the tones in their singing because I was singing too loud myself.
Spencer looks noble standing there. It must have been a beautiful moment with Spencer singing then then wolves and Coyotes responding.
What a magical story, Cate. Spencer is gorgeous.
I'm still smiling. Thank you!
"Beyond the fields we know"
places we have never met.
What a great story! I am smiling from ear to ear, picturing this and hearing the music in my mind. Cate, yours is one of just a few blogs I visit these days; I always know I will find something to feed my spirit here. Hugs,
Dear Spencer ......!
what a beautiful and loving-faced dog! and so brave, my word, a chorus of wolves and coyotes would send my dear little border collie scampering for cover F A S T!! lol!!
Spencer is a Taking-Care-Of-Business kind of dog. Very noble. Our Slim is not as large but she guards and puts the fear in predators.
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