Spencer was absolutely delighted to be able to run, and run he did, for miles and miles through the woods, his tail wagging furiously, his ears in their happy position, his tongue hanging out and a big grin on his handsome face.
There was a high wind on the main trail into the woods, but throngs of chickadees were in residence at the feeders, and nuthatches were cruising in and out at high speed. On one side of the madly swinging feeder in the dazzling sunlight was a delicate Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), and on the other side of the feeder in the shade, a larger White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). He (or she) was brooking no interference from the multitudinous chickadees and wading into the banquet with beak and talons poised for defensive action.
Perfect, absolutely perfect, all of it, and it's amazing what a little sunlight can do for body and spirit...
Look at the sweet birds. I can see Spencer in my mind's eye running and enjoying being outside. Sunshine is a balm for any soul.
I too have a GSP and they're the most lively and wonderful companions. Spencer is a beautiful handsome boy.
ack, sorry I posted my comment under the wrong photo- had been admiring Spencers photo then went on to read this post and must have taken a wrong turn ;)
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