I never need an excuse or rationalization for parking myself comfortably with a book and a pot of tea, but after the frantic exertions of Christmas, I am settling in happily for the remains of the holiday interval with a lovely great tottering stack of books, all of them already read (at least once) and all of them much loved. That carefully assembled heap of old friends will keep me amused for the rest of the winter, and the list below, by no means, includes all the dear companions who will find their way to the library table in the days and weeks ahead, but it is a start. There are at least three camera manuals to be added some time today. Perhaps a good word for next week's Friday ramble would be hibernation. Emulating the bears of the Lanark Highlands seems like a plan.
Coyote Cowgirl, Kim Antieau
The Church of the Old Mermaids, Kim Antieau
Tamsin, Peter Beagle
The Folk of the Air, Peter Beagle
The Hummingbird Wizard (3 volumes), Meredith Blevins
The Mists of Avalon, Marian Zimmer Bradley
The Dark is Rising (sequence), Susan Cooper
Moonwise, Greer Gilman
Winter's Tale, Mark Helprin
Ysabel, Guy Gavriel Kay
The Beekeeper's Apprentice (series), Laurie R. King
The River Midnight, Lilian Nattel
Divine Circle of Ladies (series), Dolores Stewart Riccio
Prospero's Cell (trilogy) Jan Siegel
The Fifth Sacred Thing, Starhawk
Eagle of the Ninth (sequence), Rosemary Sutcliff
The Woodwife, Terri Windling
Dawn Light, Diane Ackerman
Deep Play, Diane Ackerman
The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram
Sacred Silence, Jean Arp
The Tree of Meaning, Robert Bringhurst
Everywhere Being Is Dancing, Robert Bringhurst
Beyond the Blue Horizon, E.C. Krupp
Sktwatchers, Shamans and Kings, E.C. Krupp
The Zen of Creativity, John Daido Loori,
Odysseys, Freeman Patterson
Shadowlight, Freeman Patterson
Ordinarily Sacred, Linda Sexson
Finding Beauty in a Broken World, Terry Tempest Williams
I must thank you in advance, the book on my Xmas wish list came from you! I asked and received Diane Ackerman's "Dawn Light..." Me bethinks I'm going to print off your list to see what our library can supply. Your blog sure does inspire me to read more. Thank you.
Jane in Ottawa
i leave here feeling enchanted.
That is a gorgeous picture - it does look like a piece of jewelry.
The picture is breathtaking. I am also copying your list. A few I have read and are on my table.
I also have a stack of books I want to begin to read when the weather is where I cannot go outside. So far that has not happened. Sunny and low 40's at the moment. Sit, read and drink your tea. Continued healing sent your way.
Snuggled into the sofa last night to start Williams' "Finding Beauty...," a Christmas wish fulfilled! And I, too, will print off your list for the next library trip; thank you for sharing. The pictures and writings have been lovely. Best wishes on your continued recovery. Anne in North Carolina, US
I was also glad to have every reason to stay inside today. And I'm so happy to be in your list and among such good company!
You are reading a book about "finding beauty in a broken world?" Lady I think you could WRITE that book! Hugs xoxox
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