
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday Poem - Walking North

No matter how I turn
the magnificent light follows.
Background to my sadness.

No matter how I lift my heart
my shadow creeps in wait behind.
Background to my joy.

No matter how fast I run
a stillness without thought is where I end.

No matter how long I sit
there is a river of motion I must rejoin.

And when I can’t hold my head up
it always falls in the lap of one
who has just opened.

When I finally free myself of burden
there is always someone’s heavy head
landing in my arms.

The reasons of the heart
are leaves in wind.
Stand up tall and everything
will nest in you.

We all lose and we all gain.
Dark crowds the light.
Light fills the pain.

It is a conversation with no end
a dance with no steps
a song with no words
a reason too big for any mind.

No matter how I turn
the magnificence follows.

Mark Nepo


  1. Cate, a beautiful and meaningful poem. You continually come to mind in my quiet time. Blessings sent over the miles to you this day.

  2. As usual you have shared timely words. I needed to hear about light filling the pain and the magnificence following. Bravo!

    It is comforting and encouraging to know we are all connected! We are one. We are together in what we face......standing with you today! Love ya, Sandi

  3. What a beautiful poem. Thank you for posting it.

  4. Wishing you much light over the next few days and beyond!

    Thank you again for our beautiful postings.


  5. Such meaningful words for so many people and creatures at this difficult time. Peace be with you and yours in the coming days.

  6. thinking of you and sending you love and light.
    so many laps available to hold your head, girl!

  7. Cate, today you are held close in thoughts, in hearts, in arms. All of us who have walked through the gate leading to your "fields", have been so richly blessed. You have enriched our lives beyond measure with your thoughtful, compelling and sharing words. Know that you are cared for, that you dearly matter to so many of us and that we walk beside you in the weeks ahead. Healing light shine on you today dear Cate. Joyful light to you tomorrow, your special day, and most of all, Solstice blessings as you journey through these next weeks.


  8. How beautiful. This poem brought tears to my eyes and opened my heart. Thank you, Cate.

  9. Most rewarding. This poem has to be re-read several times it is so rich in thought stimulation.

  10. Thank you Cate,once again you have touched my heart. It feels wonderful knowing you are just down the road - beyond the fields, in that little blue house. Often I've thought it would be wonderful to drive to Lanark village and there you would be stepping out with Spencer into the woods. You feel like part of my family. Thank you for the wonder of you; take care, with loving thoughts.
    Jane in Ottawa

  11. Marti,
    how well you speak, write, transfer thoughts to others. I have a hard time to say these things.
    Cate, I simply mean what Marti has mentioned to you already,
    Quote from Marti:
    "Cate, today you are held close in thoughts, in hearts, in arms. All of us who have walked through the gate leading to your "fields", have been so richly blessed. You have enriched our lives beyond measure with your thoughtful, compelling and sharing words. Know that you are cared for, that you dearly matter to so many of us and that we walk beside you in the weeks ahead. Healing light shine on you today dear Cate. Joyful light to you tomorrow, your special day, and most of all, Solstice blessings as you journey through these next weeks."

    Thank you Marti, for I could not have said this any better.

    Dear Cate, you are the thinker, writer, and most beautifully the graphic artist and designer that everyone needs to see. Many blessings to you my friend. May all your wishes come true, healthy, happy, and all you desire. May you not worry througout these times and come flaring back like a flame not wanting to burnout.

    To my dear friend and soul sister Cate, Louise


Every word a singing pebble...