
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Still in the Wind


  1. I absolutely LOVE your photos! They are GORGEOUS!!! There was one a while back of a fall leaf sort of curled around a branch. Splendid! Thank you!

  2. Cate,
    I'd like to say thank you for your wonderful pictures and words - and I want to let you know, that I am thinking of you and sending you blessings for the next days. You mentioned that hospital appointment some time ago!?

    Alles Liebe

    Heidi from Germany

  3. I too, am a great fan of your posts and photos. Blessings from the universe are being sent your way. I'll be waiting for you, right here, "beyond the fields we know."

    Sandi, "thewildmagnolia"

  4. You find the beauty in nature and bring it to life for me, Cate. Thank you!

  5. Dear Cate; You are in my prayers; wishing you a speedy recovery

  6. Dear Cate,
    We have not seen each other for so long now, but I feel I am with you every day when I visit your blog. I will be with you in thought and spirit the next few days. Wishing and praying good warm healthy thoughts your way. God bless you and be well.
    Lots of love to you and your loved ones.
    Your soul sister forever,


Every word a singing pebble...