I am SO ready for springtime to arrive, and the song of the owls brought that home yesterday. I listened to them calling to each other and thought that new life in the old nest by the beaver pond was beginning, that the next singers would be Saw-whet Owls and the maple sugaring season was not far off, that it would not be long before I could ramble the fields again and there would be wildflowers everywhere.
Cate, I am with you. I am So ready for springtime to arrive.
Treat yourself gently as you heal!!
As your page loaded my first glimpse of the photo looked like the Goddess holding the moon (or the world?) in her hands. Can still see it even when i know what it is!
Yep.. it won't be long....
Thank you for this "island in the stream", especially as I face a torrent and need a calm place to drop anchor.
My friends back in the north are all longing for spring. Oddly, much as I like it here in the south and have enjoyed being in the desert over the winter, I look forward to heading back north again in April.
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