The deep blue snows in our woodland are unstable, compacted by the "on again off again" springtime processes of freezing and melting. Running in the white stuff is hard work for Spencer at this time of the year, but he adores doing just that, and he does it at every opportunity. A moment after I snapped this photo, he was stretched out full length across the rear seat of the VW and snored happily all the way home, his tail with its expressive end curl thumping happily now and again to signal his pleasure with the great wide world.
Our beautiful affectionate boy came to us as an emergency adoption a few weeks after Cassie's passing in early August of 2008, and he is a joy, having bloomed like a rose and settled into life with us as though he has always been here and always WILL be here. We still think that Cassie arranged Spencer's coming from across the Rainbow Bridge, knowing how distraught we were when she had to leave us.
Everytime I see this beauty I get re-motivated to start planning for adding a dog to our lives. We just have to stop traveling.
Spencer is sooooooooo handsome. It thrills me to know he is such a blessing to you and your family.
Such a good looking and well loved boy. I am sure Cassie had a paw in all of this, too.
He is just magnificent and I'm sure adds immense quality to your life.
What a beautiful boy....
What a beautiful boy...
What a kind, sweet, face he has... What a wonderful traveling companion he is.
Thank you for this picture. He is simply beautiful and you can see his spirit in this photo. I remember when he came to you, quite thin and troubled. What a difference happiness makes :)
Cate - before me - they have said it all. All I can add is - he looks like royalty. Now my little Callie that I rescued - just looks like a little dog. But she loves me and speaks to me with the thumping of her tail!!
such loving expressive eyes! our ellie has deep brown eyes like that too...having a dog in the family is a joy without boundaries.
I had a GSP named Spencer to. After 14 plus years of love and fun he left. I think your photo caught his 'essence' in a lively part of his life. And you have many years of love left and new phases and ways for him to show it to you and you to return it to him,
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