In nests all over the village, birds were scrambling to keep their offspring warm and out of the wind today. The delicate house finches who have nested in the oak wreath on our front door for a second year were hunkered down, both parents devoted to the physical comfort and well being of the five children who emerged from their eggs into the great wide world yesterday afternoon. Whenever I passed by, there was a faint peeping to be heard emanating from the other side of the door, somewhere below the Georgian fanlight.
Of our inability to access the worldwide web today thanks to the weather, we shall say nothing, simply hosting a cup of fragrant Darjeeling and a copy of Laurie R. King's new "The God of the Hive".
this is a gift...listening for the signs of new life right up against your door and in the midst of winter creeping back in for a few days. (same cold damp unseasonable weather here too...supposed to snow up north tonight...glad we are in the southern part of this tiny state!)
a lovely photo too.
This year we have lost the goldfinch but every other species is in abundance darting through the trees, across the lawn and into the shrubbery. I am watching carefully the blue bird house with its four eggs hoping for success.
Such a day I still savor, even after a long winter. The nesting instinct is never far, the cold wind and grey sky has a way of calling for tea, books and a blanket... and quiet. Precious blue eggs sit waiting in their nest, how perfect, this birthing-into-being-business!
Watching the nests in the nearby blue bird houses. New life for these birds and for this One Woman in the woods.
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