
Friday, May 28, 2010

The Flower Moon of May

Out of the velvet night and over the trees and lake she rises, and her rising is an expression of warmth and the greening season and new life awakening.

When April's full and radiant orb made her appearance, I was unable for health reasons to do my usual thing - to stand as the moon's ardent acolyte, out in the garden with camera, tripod and the most powerful telephoto lens I own.  It was good to be out there again this month in the enfolding light of the lady who reigns over the dark hours, our sleepings and dreamings.  We also know this perfect pearly moon as the:

Alewife Moon, Anagantios Moon, Blossom Moon, Bottlebrush Moon, Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Corn Planting Moon, Death Moon, Dragon Moon, Dyad Moon, Fawns Moon , Field Maker Moon, Fifth Moon, Fish Moon, Flower Moon, Flowering Moon, Fright Moon, Frog Moon, Frogs Return Moon, Geese Go North Moon, Geese Moon, Grass Moon, Green Leaf Moon, Hare Moon, Hoeing Corn Moon, Idle Moon, Iris Moon, Joy Moon, Leaf Dancing Moon, Leaves Appear Moon, Leaves Tender Moon, Lily of the Valley Moon, Little Corn Moon, Little Finger Moon, Magnolia Moon, Merry Moon, Milk Moon, Moon of Big Leaf, Moon of the Strawberry, Moon of the Camas Harvest, Moon of Waiting, Moon To Plant, Moon When Corn is Planted, Moon When Ponies Shed Their Fur, Moon When the Buffalo Plant is in Flower, Moon When the Leaves Are Green, Moon When the Little Flowers Die, Moon When the Horses Get Fat, Moon When Women Weed Corn, Mulberry Moon, Mulberry Ripening Moon, New Waters Moon, Old Woman Moon, Panther Moon, Penawen Moon, Peony Moon, Planting Moon, Putting Seeds in the Hole Moon, Seeds Moon, Seeds Ripen Moon, Sprout Kale Moon, Staying Home Moon, Storing Moon, Strawberry Moon, Suckers Dried Moon Summer Moon, Thrice Milk Moon When the Ponies Shed Their Shaggy Hair Moon, Wind Tossed Moon, Winnemon Moon

I am rather fond of "Green Leaf Moon".


  1. The moon, our lady, and my favorite, from your list would be - Magnolia Moon.

    Great post and so happy you were able to be out in the full moon night.

  2. I think I like New waters moon best.

  3. John Renbourn & company recorded an exquisite song about the moon called "Traveller's Prayer." You can find it on iTunes.

  4. My goodness, that is such a beautiful shot of the moon. You know, I never knew that the moon had so many names.

  5. The Waiting Moon is my favorite right now....


Every word a singing pebble...